Tuning Generative Models for Accurate Predictions in Real-Time
This presentation will provide an overview of how to tune generative models to make accurate predictions about customer recommendations in real time.
This presentation will provide an overview of how to tune generative models to make accurate predictions about customer recommendations in real time.
According to Salesforce fourth edition of the "State of the Connected Customer" report, 54% of customers say marketing messages aren’t as relevant as they’d like. We’ve all been there and received an email, ad or offer that was clearly based on some broad customer segmentation, but the content is completely irrelevant or just tone-deaf. [...]
This week’s blog will focus more on the role of the businessperson in encouraging certain interactions through behavioural nudges. Nudge theory has come into question recently, but we’re going to look at nudging through a wellness lens. Where both the user and the product or service provider benefit rather than [...]
7am San Francisco. 8am Denver. 9am Chicago. 10am New York. 3pm London. 4pm Paris. 4pm South Africa. 5pm Eastern Europe. meet.google.com/oox-kztk-vum Generate your own intelligent data, make money faster and reduce time to market, while your predictions are in production. Eliminate bias by allowing your models to learn through Dynamic Experimentation, and lower the cost of production while you [...]
7am San Francisco. 8am Denver. 9am Chicago. 10am New York. 3pm London. 4pm Paris. 4pm South Africa. 5pm Eastern Europe. meet.google.com/oox-kztk-vum Generate your own intelligent data, make money faster and reduce time to market, while your predictions are in production. Eliminate bias by allowing your models to learn through Dynamic Experimentation, and lower the cost of production while you [...]
7am San Francisco. 10am New York. 3pm London. 4pm South Africa. 4pm Europe meet.google.com/oox-kztk-vum Generate your own intelligent data, make money faster and reduce time to market, while your predictions are in production. Eliminate bias by allowing your models to learn through Dynamic Experimentation, and lower the cost of production while you make money. [...]
Today, Artificial Intelligent systems make up some of the most valuable tools that a business of any size can utilize. They are incredibly beneficial for a number of reasons, including the enhancement of business practices and outcomes, by implementing them into existing technologies. Within current technologically based business environments, AI can be implemented into almost [...]
Watch the full discussion: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGKmyxwO1unJklqNCxrtknbiC27i3LTdX A great talk about the nuances of customer behavior in corporate, digital and machine learning settings. https://youtu.be/JDKm929UcHE A recommender is the most engaged with system online. But not all recommender work the way they should. What ecosystem.Ai has prided themselves on is identifying, and paying attention to, the customer [...]
Recommender systems in technology have become an integral part of human digital society. Human existence is saturated with options for everything, from swimwear brands to cellphone models, to cruise package options! Thus the adoption and use of recommenders has been wholly invited into almost every business. Since its inception in the 1970’s, recommenders have grown [...]
From a purely business perspective, understanding wellness comes down to behavioural and technical elements. Measured, tracked, tested and measured again. However, of vital importance to the human-centric approach to financial wellness, assistance directly to the customer is imperative. An interesting dilemma regarding the human/money relationship is akin to blissful ignorance, and this condition calls for [...]