Real-Time Demonstration

By |2022-08-10T09:16:24+00:00January 7th, 2022|Blog, Business, Demo's, Product, Technology, Video|

Watch the full series: Real-time is not a new concept, however, ecosystem.Ai has spent much time perfecting it, ecosystem.Ai uses time in a new way.   Moving beyond statistical values alone, using various behavioral elements, understanding time in the context of the human, and ensuring the human in the system is recognised. [...]

Real-Time in Real Life Business

By |2022-08-10T09:16:24+00:00December 20th, 2021|Blog, Concepts, Product, Technology|

Imagine being able to see your customer’s actions and interactions with your product as they happen in real-time. Receiving user data the moment an action is taken, aiding the process of data collection and analysis, all the while finding higher productivity as trends are taken up as soon as they begin. With the process of [...]

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