Is your customer segmentation alienating people?

By |2022-10-13T16:26:44+00:00October 6th, 2022|Blog, Business|

According to Salesforce fourth edition of the "State of the Connected Customer" report, 54% of customers say marketing messages aren’t as relevant as they’d like. We’ve all been there and received an email, ad or offer that was clearly based on some broad customer segmentation, but the content is completely irrelevant or just tone-deaf. [...]

Build the right recommender to suit your customers

By |2022-10-06T14:07:47+00:00September 6th, 2022|Blog, Business|

Recommenders have been used for years to help personalize the customer experience by offering things that are new or relevant. Yet so many companies today don’t use them for myriad reasons, whether they’re not aware of their capabilities, or because they think they’re too costly and complicated to implement. The concept of introducing recommenders [...]

Special Screening

By |2022-08-11T14:17:53+00:00July 28th, 2022||

Join this week to attend a special screening of a secret event. We can tell you that this week the discussion may be about the usual - Humans and algorithms and Computational Social Science. Perhaps we'll talk about what it may mean to be human, or maybe what it means to be a machine.

Exclusive Preview – Product Launch

By |2022-09-12T11:56:22+00:00July 28th, 2022||

It's our birthday... At least, we think it is ;) This week, let's be nostalgic and just hang out. Let's discuss all the coolest things we've discussed over the past many many many months. What struck you the most?

5 Needs to Test Your Predictions

By |2022-09-01T08:38:14+00:00July 28th, 2022||

The five W[H]'s to test before, or while, you deploy. There are often too many variables to account for when 'dealing' with the human in a system. Human beings are difficult, confused, spontaneous, ever-changing beings that love to feel attended to. So how do we attend accurately and with empathy?

Building the Right Recommender

By |2022-08-29T14:53:59+00:00July 28th, 2022||

Using ecosystem.Ai, you can utilize the power provided by the easy to navigate low-code platform, real human behvaioral based algorithms, and a truly momentus real-time engine. Make all the right recommendations, and give your customers the attention they deserve.

Right here, right now! – Open Discussion

By |2022-08-11T14:15:08+00:00July 28th, 2022||

There's no time like the present Live in the moment Be present This is not just guru magic for a better life. It is the philosophy that all businesses wanting to succeed with automated interventions, should follow.

Extraordinary Time for Predictive Intelligence

By |2022-06-15T10:00:55+00:00June 15th, 2022||

7am San Francisco. 10am New York. 3pm London. 4pm South Africa. 4pm Europe   with Andre Young! We are living in the most extraordinary time in human history, and this is the time to change the face of predictions.   This week we are embarking on a journey back into the human realm. Another open [...]

Customer personality for churn intervention

By |2022-08-10T09:16:40+00:00October 29th, 2021|Blog, Business, Concepts, Development, Philosophy, Predictions|

For most consumer-based companies around the world, the top priority is to prevent their customers from leaving their service, otherwise known as churning. This is a widely accepted truth in the business world, as consumers and customers are the lifeblood of any company. Yet, despite this, 85% of customers say that a company could have [...]

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