Building a Business Case

By |2022-12-05T17:27:24+00:00October 11th, 2022||

Let's introduce customerization to your business case! There are a few steps that go into building a machine learning business case 7am (San Francisco). 8am (Denver). 9am (Chicago). 10am (New York). 3pm (London). 4pm (Germany). 4pm (South Africa). 5pm (Eastern Europe).

Special Screening

By |2022-08-11T14:17:53+00:00July 28th, 2022||

Join this week to attend a special screening of a secret event. We can tell you that this week the discussion may be about the usual - Humans and algorithms and Computational Social Science. Perhaps we'll talk about what it may mean to be human, or maybe what it means to be a machine.

Exclusive Preview – Product Launch

By |2022-09-12T11:56:22+00:00July 28th, 2022||

It's our birthday... At least, we think it is ;) This week, let's be nostalgic and just hang out. Let's discuss all the coolest things we've discussed over the past many many many months. What struck you the most?

5 Needs to Test Your Predictions

By |2022-09-01T08:38:14+00:00July 28th, 2022||

The five W[H]'s to test before, or while, you deploy. There are often too many variables to account for when 'dealing' with the human in a system. Human beings are difficult, confused, spontaneous, ever-changing beings that love to feel attended to. So how do we attend accurately and with empathy?

Building the Right Recommender

By |2022-08-29T14:53:59+00:00July 28th, 2022||

Using ecosystem.Ai, you can utilize the power provided by the easy to navigate low-code platform, real human behvaioral based algorithms, and a truly momentus real-time engine. Make all the right recommendations, and give your customers the attention they deserve.

Right here, right now! – Open Discussion

By |2022-08-11T14:15:08+00:00July 28th, 2022||

There's no time like the present Live in the moment Be present This is not just guru magic for a better life. It is the philosophy that all businesses wanting to succeed with automated interventions, should follow.

Easy as Pi – Open Discussion

By |2022-07-28T08:25:19+00:00July 28th, 2022||

This week we are opening up the discussion about using low-code tools for complex machine-based tasks. What are the reasons we should pursue this, and what are the possible challenges? Consider Pi for a moment...

B.Y.O.D – Open Discussion

By |2022-08-11T14:34:30+00:00July 27th, 2022||

Bring your own daquiris, it's happy hour on the promenade! This week we are talking about nudges, progressive exposure, personalized info drops, and other behavioral techniques.

Novelty – Open Discussion

By |2022-07-18T08:51:06+00:00July 18th, 2022||

Open discussions about Behavioral Predictions, Real-Time Artificial Intelligence and Low-Code Environments for Machine Learning 7am (San Francisco). 8am (Denver). 9am (Chicago). 10am (New York). 3pm (London). 4pm (South Africa). 5pm (Eastern Europe).

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