All products designed for ease-of-use by any person in business. Fully configured, now-code, plug and play Modules.

  • Recommender

    The ecosystem.Ai Recommender Module is the essential package for any size business. Packed with all the Business and Data Science functionality you need to begin building your very own human centric recommenders. Don't get lost using rudimentary recommenders that don't account for the human in your system. Use the Recommender Module to always make the right offers to your customers, in a way that best suits them. >> See below for more details
  • Experimentation Beyond AB Testing

    The ecosystem.Ai Beyond AB Testing Module is the essential package for Business in-production testing. Packed with all the Business functionality you need to begin running your very own experiments. Use this Module to take your testing to a whole other level. Forget the limitations of common AB testing, and realize the ability to test multiple products, design constructs, messages, and more! Get to know your customers better by learning directly from them in real-time. Start experimenting right now! There is no one-size-fits-all for truly personalized interactions, use this Module to get to know your customers real desires. >> See below for more details
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