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This meetup focuses on discussing and exploring real-time outbound strategies that are employed in the telecommunications industry to boost revenue. These strategies could refer to sales techniques, communication procedures, customer engagement, product promotions, and service offerings that are initiated by the company to potential and existing customers. Techniques like push marketing, tailored product offerings, and customer segmentation may be covered. The topic will also delve into the importance of real-time data analysis in strategizing and implementing these procedures. It is directed towards professionals in the telecommunications industry, such as marketers, strategists, product managers, and sales personnel who are seeking to increase their knowledge and skills about effective outbound strategies. The session will be led by experienced practitioners in the field who will share practical examples and case studies that illustrate the effectiveness of our AI software in building real-time recommenders. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and get expert advice on how to implement our software in their own environment. ” Outbound Telecommunications Capabilities” is a must-attend event for anyone interested in learning how to leverage the ecosystem.Ai platform to build more effective outbound engagement systems.



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