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7am San Francisco. 8am Denver. 9am Chicago. 10am New York. 3pm London. 4pm Paris. 4pm South Africa. 5pm Eastern Europe.


Generate your own intelligent data, make money faster and reduce time to market, while your predictions are in production.

Eliminate bias by allowing your models to learn through Dynamic Experimentation, and lower the cost of production while you make money.


While every new system implementations have their difficulties, the benefits of real-time far outweigh the complexities. We will be looking at the physical structure of real-time processes, and the very real effects of real-time applications to any artificial intelligence system. With Real-Time capabilities, dynamic experimentation takes on a whole new life outside of the outdated practice of testing and analysing over weeks. Now you can know exactly what you need to know as it’s happening!


Join us for this great discussion and expand the possibilities of your digital engagements. Simply RSVP here and let’s chat!


ecosystem.Ai are a dynamic group of professionals that are intrigued by finding the human in the data. Join our experts for weekly discussions regarding the untapped depths of behavioural analytics and the progressive opportunities afforded by computational social science. The movement of individualisation in business practices, and so much more!

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