Open Discussion on Dynamic Experimentation
June 8, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm UTC
Join us for a themed open discussion this week.
Some know it as a cold-start scenario, while others can just think of it as the end of A/B testing, we call it Dynamic Experimentation. A few months ago, we hosted a talk on the value of first-time experiences in humans, one facet of which explored the value of learning something through action.
This same human approach can be used when teaching machines. Imagine scenarios in which in-grained human biases are not fed into the training sets for machine learning (consider the Caucasian facial recognition situation). Imagine a scenario in which you are told by your customers what they prefer, rather than telling them, and then being able to use that in formation to offer them more of what will make them happy. Or just learning more about the best ways to promote your brand, or showcasing your message.
Join us for this open session, we would love to hear your thoughts on Dynamic Experimentation. We would also love to hear about your experiences with A/B testing and whether a better solution is even on your radar!