Products based on the experimentation Module. Used for testing hypotheses, experimenting with new or old products in production, and stretching your exploration beyond AB testing.

  • No Data Experiments

    The ecosystem.Ai No Data Experiments Module is the essential package for data science testing. Use this Module to overcome common difficulties associated with the data science process. Having difficulties accessing your data? Whether the data is currently inaccessible, unavailable, or unusable; with ecosystem.Ai No Data Experiments Module you don't need data to start. Experiment in the pre-deployment phase with different data types, model configurations, and run simulations. Start experimenting right now, without the usual bottlenecks, resource constraints and missing data. Plug in this Module and begin testing, all you need is a list of vidgets (items) to test. >> See below for more details
  • Experimentation Beyond AB Testing

    The ecosystem.Ai Beyond AB Testing Module is the essential package for Business in-production testing. Packed with all the Business functionality you need to begin running your very own experiments. Use this Module to take your testing to a whole other level. Forget the limitations of common AB testing, and realize the ability to test multiple products, design constructs, messages, and more! Get to know your customers better by learning directly from them in real-time. Start experimenting right now! There is no one-size-fits-all for truly personalized interactions, use this Module to get to know your customers real desires. >> See below for more details
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