Use the Experimentation to get in-production testing frameworks for Your predictions

Manage dynamic Client Pulse Responder parameters and revenue operations

Test the power of your offers in real-time. Provide variations of your product or service, in order to discover exactly what the humans you are speaking to really want. Be inspired by your people and let them show you how best to sell, communicate, interact or offer.

No Data Experiments

Test predictive capabilities without any data

System constraints, new products, cold-start scenario – there are many reasons to not have data. But that does not mean you can’t make predictions. Use dynamic experimentation to learn and rapidly iterate while the traditional data science process is being completed.

Enhance user experience and prediction validity by offering alternatives and see how they perform

AB Testing

Test Your environments with side-by-side alternatives

Enhance user experience and prediction validity by offering alternatives and see how they perform. Monitor and make changes to your offer environment based on the popularity of one choice over another.

Experimentation Beyond AB Testing

Personalize Your experiments in Real-Time based on human behavioral changes.

Move beyond the general limitations of A/B testing and discover breakthrough insights as they evolve. Monitor behavioral changes during testing and adjust offers with speed and confidence.

Move beyond the general limitations of A/B testing and discover breakthrough insights as they evolve